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Nov. 17, 2014
 Town of Princeton, Mass. --– Nov. 17, 2014  -- Minutes  -  BOARD OF SELECTMEN   
6:03 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Neil Sulmasy, Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

New Business
The board noted that the Insurance Advisory Committee, which reviews town employee health insurance options, has been short one member since the death of Carl Lapoint. He had represented “retirees” on the committee, and a request to serve in that capacity had been expressed by Bonnie Schmohl, 116 Mirick Road. The board voted all in favor to appoint Bonnie Schmohl to the Insurance Advisory Committee for a term  to end June 30, 2017.
        They then discussed the need for a “First Responder” position on the Central Mass EMS Corp. and voted all in favor to designate Bill Dino, 84 Main Street, as First Responder, which has no specific term.

Old Business
 6:10 PM  Stan outlined Special Town Meeting accommodations at TP School gym and said the timers on exterior lighting must be extended to last the duration of the meeting, plus the FD lighting generator can be used to open up more parking near the playground.   John L. gave a report on making seating arrangements with Principal Mary Cringan. Two projection screens will be set up and 200 chairs plus bleachers--seating 200 more--will be available.

Meeting of BOS recessed
6:20 PM The board voted all in favor to recess the BOS meeting and open the meeting of the Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant Board.

Meeting of BOS reconvened at 6:25 PM.
John L. reported briefly about providing advisory assistance as town administrator to Sterling and noted that according to their Nov. 19th BOS agenda, an interim person should be in place before month’s end.
        John also reported on the state DOR Dept. of Local Services recap. The state certified Princeton’s tax rate for this year at $17.30 which is $.06 up from last year. The average home valuation is $303,461 which is down about $2,500. The average tax bill is $5,250 which is up $14 from last year (0.3%). Stan suggested putting the report on the town website.

Other Business
6:35 PM  Neil S. pointed out that announcements should be made to the public regarding deer hunting season, as bow-hunting has begun and shotgun season is coming up.  
        It was noted that the BOS chairman will read the motion at the Special Town Meeting on November 18, 2014.

Minutes and Warrants
Selectmen voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for Nov. 3
They then reviewed and signed vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #10

6:45 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:   Report with Tax Rate/Recap information

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department